I often just sit and think about the ways in which God is working in my life. Recently, I have been experiencing some trials with my youngest son who will be 18 in two months. He is rebelling against me, against school, against life & God. Striving to gain his manhood and independence. He has been making some terrible choices and doing things that could ultimately be very destructive in his life.
As his mother this saddens me so much. I have been struggling with keeping my cool, not lecturing and nagging at him, and just not "losing it" on it. Boy oh boy, this is a major battle for me. A battle within my own spirit. I have prayed and prayed for him...but then God opened MY eyes and made me see that I was in HIS way. With my interference I was actually hindering what God was trying to do in Tyler's life. Through all of his wrong choices (some of which included a lip piercing, and those awful HUGE gauged earrings that make ugly giant holes in his ears...YUCK) God was trying to show my son that these kinds of wrong choices have consequences. My nagging only drove him farther away...& I was in God's way.
When I finally decided to LET GO & LET GOD things started to happen. My son came home, and had removed ALL of his piercings! He had tears streaming down his face this morning and grabbed me..and we just held each other for the longest time. Thank you Lord for the beautiful and mysterious way in which you work!
From now on I will pray, and try my hardest to just stay out of God's way. My son still has a long way to go...but I know without a doubt God will bring him back to where he needs to be! Someday soon my son will become a man for God!